Newsletter Signup - We'll make it worth it :)
Ah yes, the email newsletter decision...
Trust us, we know: Signing up for another email newsletter is not high on people's lists of life goals. So we're going to make it worthwhile.
Here's what you'll get
- A promo code for 10% off your first purchase
- 500 points in our RossRewards program (That's a $5 off for FREE!) - Note: You must create a website account to complete enrollment
- Early bird notifications & deals on limited releases, and first notice on great sales
- Automatically enrolled in our "Become a Home Coffee Pro" e-course for FREE
So if you trust us to make it worthwhile for you, it's pretty easy to get started.
FREE e-course: Becoming a Home Coffee Pro
In this 5-day, email-based course, upgrade your coffee knowledge in these five areas:
- Specialty Coffee: What Makes it so Special?
- Coffee's Origins: "Mommy, Where does coffee come from?"
- Gourmet Coffee Blends vs. Single Origin Coffees
- Roasting Styles & Profiles
- Brewing Coffee At Home
And if you read really closely, you might even find a way to save a bunch on your next coffee purchase.